The Joy of Playing the Piano

The joy of playing the piano spreads very deeply into emotional and spiritual feelings. It allows the expression of those feelings to others. Music has been and always will be a key for expression of thoughts and feelings. How wonderful it is to listen to a piece of music that touches our soul and allows us to express ourselves in many ways.

For me, the joy of playing the piano means so much. It allows me to express myself through emotions in the music, and additionally, it makes me feel amazing at the same time. I am blessed when I use the piano to help others through service. I can relieve stress by playing the piano, hence getting that feeling of peace and relaxation. This can and will benefit in many ways.

Have you ever done something nice for someone when you did not have to? When your heart is in the right place, it is amazing what happens. For me, it is that peaceful feeling that only comes from one place, albeit many of us do not recognize it. Peaceful feelings such as the one I am describing comes from God. They don’t happen when you expect them to or if you expect them to show up. These feelings just show up based on where your thoughts are and what you feel in your heart.

The Joy of Playing the Piano

I know that stress is real and that it can cause real health problems for many of us. Dealing with that stress is something that everyone must have. Some kind of coping mechanism that allows us to move forward and be relaxed and destressed to some degree. I find that sitting down at the keyboard for a while just playing whatever is in front of me accomplishes just that. A couple hours or more, just playing away, brings that relaxation and stress free feeling right back to the forefront.

We all have God-given talents, some of which we know about and use every day; others are waiting to be discovered. One of mine, playing the piano, allows me to share that talent within my church. Although I am not the best in the world, or even close, lol; I love playing for the congregation, special musical numbers and for various events. I just simply enjoy playing music that can be enjoyed by anyone, not just me. I will never get tired of that feeling when sharing this talent. If you have discovered your talent(s), I encourage you to share them. Let them shine and benefit everyone else. I would also encourage you to find those hidden talents, improve upon them, share them, and bless the lives of many.